МАЙКЛ  Пол  Моган

MICHAEL  Paul  Moogan

Инициатор розыска: НАБП Великобритании (NCA GB)
Номер розыскного дела:
Вид розыска: Международный
Дата рождения с: 1990-01-01
Дата рождения по:
Пол:  Мужской
Особые приметы: Age Range:25 - 30
Height:180 - 185cm
Вид документа:
Кем выдан: 
Дата выдачи:  0000-00-00
Дата окончания: 0000-00-00
Дополнительные сведения: Important: Do not approach persons featured on this site. In an emergency, call 999
Moogan, from Liverpool, is believed to be linked to a Rotterdam cafe raided in 2013 as part of a series of coordinated strikes in the UK and the Netherlands. It is suspected the cafe was being used as a front for an operations centre for international drug traffickers where they could meet for negotiations with cartels and for arranging the financing and transportation of huge quantities of drugs. It is alleged that during 2013 Moogan was involved in a conspiracy to import cocaine into the UK.
Crime Type:Conspiracy to import cocaine
Date of Incident:2013
Moogan has blue eyes and a tattoo of a cross and a large crucifix on his left arm.
