МЕХМЕТ  Салих 

MEHMET  Salih 

Инициатор розыска: НАБП Великобритании (NCA GB)
Номер розыскного дела:
Вид розыска: Международный
Дата рождения с: 1974-01-01
Дата рождения по:
Пол:  Мужской
Особые приметы: Age Range:40 - 45
Height:165 - 170 cm
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Length: Short
Вид документа:
Кем выдан: 
Дата выдачи:  0000-00-00
Дата окончания: 0000-00-00
Дополнительные сведения: Important: Do not approach persons featured on this site. In an emergency, call 999
Between December 2010 and November 2011 Salih is accused of being involved in a conspiracy to supply cocaine. It is believed he was contacted on a regular basis by an associate for the purposes of buying cocaine, delivering it and collecting payments. In May 2011 Salih allegedly visited Lincolnshire to deliver a quantity of cocaine that was subsequently recovered by the police. He was arrested and was in possession of ?20,000 (€25,000). Salih was released on bail to appear at a police station later in the year but failed to attend.
Reference: Crime Type:Drugs Date of Incident:2010 - 2011 Location of Incident:Lincolnshire Suspect description
Additional information Salih is a Cypriot national. He has a scar on his right eye.
